PlanetMagpie News

June 13, 2014

California Machine Shop Gives Customers a Virtual Tour of its Green Facility

Diablo Precision, Inc. in Hollister has launched a new website. It's not your standard brochure site though--the new site invites visitors to take a virtual tour of their green machine shop.

Diablo Precision in Hollister Launches All-New Website

When you hear the words "machine shop," images vary. Sometimes people picture a huge beltline with harried workers sweeping products off the line. Or a big machine belching out steam & smoke as it pours liquid metal into molds.

Neither image applies to Diablo Precision, Inc. And they're proving it with a brand-new website.

The California machine shop makes machined parts and components in Hollister. Expansion efforts over the past 10 years were geared toward worker safety and high-quality production. These efforts combined created a unique result: Diablo Precision went green.

Going Green from Economic & Safety Improvements

The initial idea was to improve parts manufacturing efficiency. "From an economic standpoint, it makes sense for us not to waste energy," said Conor Kelly, President of Diablo Precision, Inc. "All programs & machines are fully optimized to not have wasted motion. Or to compromise worker safety. This way we do a larger volume of work on a machine in a given period of time."

But along the way, those improvements yielded environmental benefits. Incorporating renewable energy lowered power bills. Less grid power meant lower greenhouse gas emissions. Costly air filters for the machines and natural oils for lubrication meant a safe, clean environment for workers and the local region.

"Our coolant is a non-toxic vegetable oil. You could make French fries with it. We use it to make precision parts instead."

Virtual Tour on the New Site

Entering their 10th year of business and poised for big expansions, Diablo Precision decided to invest in a new website. Not just a simple "here's what we do" site though--they wanted customers to get a close look at the quality of their work.

The new website contains entire parts galleries. Organized by metal type and function, visitors can browse through fine-detailed images of the parts Diablo Precision makes. Their parts are used in the semiconductor, defense, consumer goods and medical fields.

Visitors can also take a virtual tour throughout the Diablo facility. Each machine in use, all spaces where workers build, inspect & finish product are displayed.

Why so transparent? Two reasons:
  1. All Diablo Precision, Inc. parts are made in America, from materials sourced in America and Germany. The benefits of buying parts made in America are laid out on their Made in America page.
  2. The company wants you to know that sourcing parts from Diablo means that you are supporting a Green Machine Shop, and a healthy working environment for the workers making your parts.
Diablo is working hard to rebuild a skilled machining workforce in the U.S. "With our workers, we concentrate on leadership development, having them take ownership of their products and environments. Empowering them to effect change within departments benefits the company as a whole. We're all proud of the strong company we've built here."

The new Diablo Precision, Inc. website is at: