In mid-October, cybersecurity researchers discovered a flaw in Wi-Fi. A flaw that hackers can exploit. They named the flaw KRACK. It originates in Wi-Fi’s WPA2 authentication protocol, which protects the data you send & receive.
That’s the bad news. The good news is, KRACK is not easy to exploit. It’s also received plenty of press, which decreases the likeliness cybercriminals will try to use it.
We can fix this. We have the technology. has provided a good rundown on KRACK’s ins and outs:
KRACK Wi-Fi attack threatens all networks: How to stay safe and what you need to know – PC World
The most important point? KRACK is fixable.
A patch can neutralize the exploit and make your Wi-Fi safe to use again. Even better, we haven’t heard of any cyberattacks made using KRACK yet. Which is good—it means people have time to patch things up.
The Patches Available Now
ZDNet has a list of which manufacturers have patched their Wi-Fi chips:
Here's every patch for KRACK Wi-Fi vulnerability available right now –
The list is already extensive and getting longer. Manufacturers aren’t waiting on this particular patch!
Do I need to do anything?
You may not need to do anything at all. Many of the published patches will auto-update on your hardware. Or your IT department will take care of patching.
One thing you can (and should) always do, is keep your computer up-to-date on its security patches. At time of publication, up-to-date Windows PCs already have a KRACK patch.
If you’re not sure about one of your devices, ask your IT department or consultant to check it.
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