PlanetMagpie News

February 03, 2012

PlanetMagpie CEO Quoted on Mobile Trends in NY Times

Not every IT firm CEO is quoted in mainstream media many times over. As of January 29th, Robert Douglas was quoted in the New York Times. See what he has to say about mobile tech in business.
Robert Douglas, CEO/President of PlanetMagpie, was recently quoted in the New York Times feature article "Blackberry Under Siege in Europe," by Brian Chen, a regular writer on mobile technology. Read the piece here:
Blackberry Under Siege In Europe -

Obviously, the column is about declining Blackberry use in Europe. Despite concerns like internal security, the iPhone and Android phones are stomping Blackberry out.

The trend isn't restricted to Europe though. Brian went to the other side of the world for a complementary perspective. He called us here in California, and asked Robert about our impressions on business choices in mobile for Silicon Valley.

Robert responded that most of our clients no longer use the Blackberry. "A lot of people on BlackBerrys have switched over to the iPhone."

And that's not just because of apps and data plans - there's a cost benefit. Robert, as cited by Brian:
"He said that for many businesses, ditching the BlackBerry has actually decreased costs, because companies no longer have to support the BlackBerry enterprise server, RIM's proprietary system designed to protect data on devices."

Thank you to Brian Chen for your feature! We're happy to contribute our knowledge to the New York Times, and look forward to doing so again!