Tech Tips

October 10, 2024

Teams Tip: Use Breakout Rooms for Single-Topic Discussions

Teams is great for large meetings, but large meetings don’t always facilitate focused discussions. When a group within your Teams Meeting needs to peel off for discussion, create a special room for those discussions – a Breakout Room.

A Breakout Room is a way to separate a meeting’s participants off into a ‘mini meeting’ during a Teams call. Once in a Breakout Room, a group can focus on a specific topic. For instance:

Need to send a group to brainstorm ideas and then return to your Teams meeting? Breakout room.

Need to train groups of new recruits on different programs during orientation? Breakout rooms.


How to Set Up a Breakout Room

Only a Teams Meeting organizer can create a Breakout Room. In the Teams desktop app:

  1. Click the Breakout Room icon in the toolbar. Breakout Room Icon
  2. From here you can select who goes into a Breakout Room yourself, or automatically assign a group of people to one.
  3. To select participants, click the Assign Participants button.
  4. Select from the list and click Assign.

From there, your team moves into the Breakout Room and starts on their mini-meeting.

For full details on using Breaking Rooms, visit this Microsoft Page: Use breakout rooms in Microsoft Teams meetings - Microsoft Support.

Happy computing!