Tech Tips

September 12, 2018

Asset Tag Your IT Hardware!

In today's Cyber Fu tip, we explain what an "Asset Tag" is. Tagging your IT hardware serves one vital purpose: Preserving information about each device, in case something bad happens to it.

Every hardware device your company owns contains unique identifiers: its make and model, a serial number, a device ID, etc.  Those same devices contain your company’s intellectual property, and that means they need protection.

Smart companies keep an inventory of their IT hardware by assigning each device an Asset Tag.

Asset Tags are reference-coded stickers placed on devices (servers, network gear, laptops, etc.) for internal tracking. The tags pair to a simple company-maintained database containing a list of all those identifiers.

Here's a good asset tag example:

Asset Tag

Why record all that information?  In case something bad happens to the device.

What if someone drops their laptop?  Or a hurricane sweeps through town and floods your server room? Or a remote worker quits and "loses" the company workstation?

Regardless of the emergency, you still have a detailed record of your lost hardware.  Your asset list can help you recover your losses, by providing details for an insurance claim.

It can also help police identify your stolen property, aid you in tracking warranty expirations, assist your tax preparer in reporting your company’s business property, and importantly, match an assigned device to an employee.

Using Asset Tags is a quick and easy-to-manage way to track and protect your business assets. Do you track yours?


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